What I Do

I am an entrepreneur, an innovator and small business owner.

I am the Co-Editor of Diverse Educators: A Manifesto.

I am an ICF (PCC) and ILM (L7) certified coach.

I am a Trustee and Vice Chair of the Trust Board at SGSAT.

I am a mentor for the Young Carers Development Trust.

I am the Co-Founder and Director of Diverse Educators.

I am a C-Me activator.

I develop and facilitate leadership training.

I am an #IamRemarkable Platinum Facilitator.

I am the Founder of BANES WLN.

I am the Co-Founder of UAE WELN.

What I Did

I was a LeanIn Network Leader.

I was an Associate Director for Whole Education.

I was a Consultant for Leeds Beckett University.

Head of Secondary Teacher Training, University of Buckingham

Founding Executive Headteacher of Aureus School & Aureus Primary School, GLF Schools

Strategic Lead for the GLF Teaching School Alliance

Sub-Regional Strategic Lead for the SE Women Leading in Education Network for Oxon, Berks and Bucks (NCTL)

Professional Learning Lead for the Harris Federation Teaching School

Specialist Leader in Education and National Professional Qualifications Facilitator

School Leader and Teacher of English, Drama and Media for 18 years

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